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Old 01-12-2015, 11:05 AM   #188
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Default Re: The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Yes, that scene still seems to play frequently in your mind. Part of your post traumatic church syndrome. Just think, had it not been for Mel Porter and his heavy-handed ways you might be at least an elder by now. Then "churching" might have a completely different connotation for you. I can picture that meeting too. Of course, it has a somewhat different meaning for me.
I think we all have PTCS of some sort from our local church experience. I maybe more than others, due to Mel Porter's abusive tactics. I'm sure others have encountered such abuse of power. The smart ones, like yourself and Dave, didn't stir up a hornets nest, but just quietly walked away.

Still, Lee, the LC, the Recovery, dealing in God's eternal purpose, packed a wallop on our psyche regardless of how we came out.

But ...
I'm with bro Mike. I've been around Christianity & churches all my life, and went thru the local church, and I never heard the word churching until zeek introduced it here. I think he got it from a serendipitous search on and never heard himself. Of course, I could be wrong.

So maybe "churching" does not belong in The Local Church Lexicon, cuz it wasn't among the Common Phrases.
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