Re: The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases
Originally Posted by Ohio
Heb 10.25 (and numerous other places) says, "not abandoning our own churching together." Did you not know that church/churching, gather/gathering and assemble/assembling were all synonymous?
The word there is επισυναγωγη or episunagoge ( epi+ synagogue?) and it basically means to assemble which is basically what church means. So you're right. Just ignore the derision. Those who think it's funny haven't explained why. Maybe they can't. This is a thread about the LC lexicon so I presented "churching" for consideration. To me that and "church life" was associated with meetings and service groups and all those things entailed. Mostly working with people in an artificial way where you called on the Lord and pray-read and did menial tasks but you were not supposed to communicate like normal human beings so you never got to know the people you were working with very well.
Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86