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Old 01-07-2015, 02:59 PM   #156
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
I can buy into this idea of transference of spirits to a point. I agree that we pick up stuff from each other on many levels. I also agree that this so called transference of spirits is intensified to the degree that we invest in the exchange.

And since the local church is an "all in" system, the floodgates of transference juice was wide open.

That's why we've all still got Nee and Lee juice sloshing around in our noggin. There's prolly spirit-transference-juice of all kinds in us. I still got Southern Baptist fundamentalism that I can't shake; a transfer of spirits from diapers.

I think, therefore, that Dave is right. It'd prolly be best for all of us if Nee and Lee were thrown into the dustbin of history.

However, if some get help from their books, more power to them. Thank the Lord we live in a free country. At a very basic level just the entertainment factor has value.

I have contention with this Carol quoted:

My contention is that there are more choices then just two types of transference of spirits. A couple of possible other choices could be c. The neutral choice, or, d. Indifference. In many many cases, practiced by all, indifference is commonly used to avoid any transfer of spirits.

Indifference would have prolly been wise when it came to the transference of the spirits of Nee and Lee. But that didn't happened for any of us out here, did it?

Maybe we can draw lines without coming down on each other ... I don't know.
oh YEAH Harold!! being neutral, being indifferent is something we can pick up from other people too. But being indifferent or neutral leans towards the negative side I think. For example, if a kid is raised in a boring family that was neutral or indifferent, either the kid is going to go ballistic to escape that 'spirit' OR fall in line and grow up to be boring, neutral and indifferent.

I have learned some 'positive' stuff from the secular world such as 'hang out with positive people'. Think and speak positive. This type of thinking really does come from God. He is Light. He is Life. He is Love. He is Joy.

Religion is what has painted God in a negative light. Some people think that God was a 'mean, ugly God' especially in the OT. What most people don't understand is He was getting rid of the negative: Idolotry, wickedness, evilness that infected even animals.

Look... the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. They were exposed to idolatry for 400 yrs. When God finally set His people free and they saw and experienced His Blessings: Freedom from slavery, Wealth when they had been slaves, the opening of the red sea, etc.... but while Moses was having a talk with God, out of the gold God blessed them with, they made an idol. Where did they get that idea from? Egypt of course! They were out of Egypt but Egypt was not out of their souls. hmmm....

If we can wrap our puny heads around the fact that God was getting rid of evil, people might see Him in a Positive Light.

Love YA Mr A!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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