Originally Posted by Dave
I may have mentioned this elsewhere but I was listening the other day to a sermon from Bill Freeman long after he left the LC and his intonation and talk was so similar to Lee I was very surprised. He is not the only person affected in the same way. What appears to have happened to many who were followers of Lee and close to Lee at one time is that they can't get him out of their heads and until they do they are forever lost in a limbo land. Run, don't just walk away from Lee's teachings.
This is what is known as the '
transfer of spirits'. I have mentioned this in many of my posts. I have also mentioned '
soul ties' and '
strong holds'.
Transfer of spirits does not only occur in the LC but it occurs in all walks of life, secular and religious. Why is it we can recognize a Mormon 'elder' a mile away? Look at the body language of the hip hop crowd. They all talk and express themselves the same way. Why? There has been a
transfer of spirits.
The LC under Lee in particular had/has a super bad case of the
transfer of spirits!
We were ALL infected by it.
That's not to say we did not have the LORD GOD, our Creator, Savior, Deliverer and Redeemer in us. It does not mean everything we got from the LC and Lee was evil. I am simply noting that through our zealous desire to be more Christlike, we stopped drinking from the Fountain of Living Waters and drank the kool aid instead. Little by little, that Fountain of Living Waters was replaced with a fountain called Brother Lee, "The Lord's Recovery", 'The New Way' etc....that was the kool aid people started drinking and still do.
Here is an excerpt of an article that speaks of it from the biblical perspective.
TRANSFERENCE OF SPIRITS: Transference of spirits is the transfer of spirits from one person to another. Transference of spirits is part and parcel of every mankind here on planet earth. There are two types of transference of spirits: a. Positive or Holy transference of spirits b. Negative or Unholy transference of spirits A. Positive or Holy Transference of spirits: The passage of positive or Holy transference of spirits started from God. After God created Adam, the first man on planet earth. He breathed into Adam foundation and transferred His Spirit into Adam and Adam became a living being (Gen 2:7).
There are many articles on this subject matter. Here is just one article:
Blessings all!