Originally Posted by ZoeGrace
Back to the guest post. I watch how the wives submit to their husbands and the LC families' lives seem to be peaceful. Maybe I was/am being disrespectful by not following my husband's lead. Hmmm...leaves me with some food for thought!
I remember in my LC that wives with husbands not meeting in the Recovery system weren't under any compunction to submit to them regarding fellowship. If the husband wasn't "for the ministry" or "for the churches" or "for the Body" then all bets were off. Likewise, an LC elder with unbelieving or lawless children could ignore Paul's advice to Titus (1:6). So if the scripture supported the ministry we'd say, "the Bible says"; and if it didn't we'd essentially ignore it.
Secondly, look at the context of "wives submit". This was an unequal social environment, 2,000 years ago, and suddenly in Christ Jesus everybody was "free". So slaves wondered why they were slaves, etc. Everybody suddenly was wondering if they were also free of the social strictures. We are all equal in Christ; how to co-exist in an environment in which we are not. Paul's advice was to accept the social environment "as from the Lord". Don't struggle to erase external social distinctions. Accept them for what they are. So Paul's advice to the "weaker vessels" should be understood in its social context. Remember that he was also writing to Greeks, Jews, slaves, masters, etc.
If it were simply the law of the land, "wives submit", then why are other laws being ignored, like Titus 1:6, etc, etc, etc? Why the selective focus? Why is it only being selectively applied when it is favorable to the cause?