Originally Posted by Peter Debelak
I've always seen the human arrangements ordained by God as being more absolute and rigid than spritual realtionships. The very fact that Paul admonishes slaves to submit to their masters entails that submission to sovereieng human authorities is absolute, not conditioned on the "rightness" of the "master".
So, the first question would be whether God-ordained human authorities are to be followed rigidly.
The second question is whether spiritual authority should follow the same pattern as Ceasar, masters, parents and husbands.
Witness Lee used the analogy of parents, husbands etc... as a pattern. Is that right?
"It is not a shame to say to you that I write these things but to admonish you as my beloved children.
For though you have ten thousand guides in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.
I Corinthians 4:14, 15
I think when Paul used the example of a father to his beloved children, he was refering to his position as it relates to the Corinthian believers he has been caring for. I think he was asking them to reciprocate by obeying him as a loving father. I think in a healthy family, Pauls word can be received, for honoring the ones who brought us into this world (or into the Kingdom of God)should be respected for the advice they give.
Unfortunately, ones in leadership positions may use Pauls example in a negative way, devoid of love, to force authority to a program that will not succeed except by forced adherance. Pauls thought and how God intended for families to work, is to respect the boundaries of the parent and the child, yet in love for the sake of the childs betterment, the parent offers advice to the child that will produce something good in the child. This is certianly not rigid, but intended to be carried out in a healthy environment.
The rigidity you refer to in our masters, bosses or enforcement agencies over us is intended outside the family, where authority is maintained for the good of society or the company as opposed for the advancing of the generations within the family, there is the need for tighter controls or laws, that ensure the enforcement.
Whether family or society, Pauls final exortation is to live before Christ as the final judge over all, for it is only before Him that we will give account for our actions and deeds.
"Therefore also we are determined, whether at home or abroad, to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Him.
For we must all be manifested before the judgement seat of Christ..."
II Corinthians 5:9, 10a