Dear ones,
Just to show how far the "Lord's Recovery" has "drifted from it's moorings", consider this verse in the hymn Watchman Nee wrote concerning the grapevine (
Hymns #635). This will bring tears to your eyes. Where is such a spirit in evidence amongst the leadership in the LC today? Sad to say, but somewhere in the midst of the quarantines, the bad-mouthing of dear brothers who had been in our midst for decades, the lawsuits over meeting halls, the "attack-pack" booklets, etc., this spirit, which once prevailed in the LC, seems to have been completely lost.
"Not by gain our life is measured,
But by what we've lost 'tis scored;
'Tis not how much wine is drunken,
But how much has been outpoured.
For the strength of love e'er standeth
In the sacrifice we bear;
He who has the greatest suff'ring
Ever has the most to share."
Dear Lord, have mercy on us all.