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Old 09-25-2008, 07:39 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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Default Re: "Wrecked, Ruined?"

I got wrecked, ruined. Got wrecked for Christ. In the LC's the slogan was "Christ and the Church", but today I realize that I AM the church. I am the assembly, whenever I let God assemble me with another of the called-out ones.

I have never regretted believing in Jesus. One day you see His bright glory, you realize that here in front of you, is the path to the Father. This little man Jesus is it. Look no further, wandering lamb, you have found the Anointed One, the Holy One of God, the incarnated Word, the Prince of Peace, the Counselor, the Friend, the Trustworthy One, the Faithful and True Witness. Look no further. Your search is over. Jesus is the Way, the Light, the Truth.

One day John and Peter and James saw that bright glory and they knew "this is it". You don't graduate to a higher level than Jesus. The finish line is right here in front of you, shining with God's bright glory. John said in chapter one, "We beheld His glory", and Peter also wrote that they beheld His glory that day on the holy mountain, a voice coming down out of heaven and saying "This is the My Beloved". Whenever things got tough and lonely and scary they remembered that day, and many others like it. Never let go of the faith in Jesus.

I got wrecked. Got ruined. I am for Christ.

Lord, never let us go. We have Your promise, that if we followed You, You would shepherd and guide us all the way home to the Father. Lord, we remind You of Your Word. Lord, bless us all with Your dear shining. We love your glory, Your presence, Your 'parousia', your coming. Amen, come Lord Jesus.

I got wrecked, I got ruined, and I don't care. I like it. Nothing else matters. I'm for Jesus.
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