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Old 12-23-2014, 08:37 AM   #57
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Living with an LC spouse...

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
It all boils down to which side of the fence we are on. According to Lee, God would judge me if i ever spoke up about his failures, but it seemed as if God would provide us with a double blessing for openly critiquing those outside the Recovery in "poor, poor, Christianity."
We let Lee challenge our thinking, but none of us could challenge his; likewise today the Blendeds can expose our concepts but no one is allowed to expose theirs. But I don't think it's disrespectful to challenge people's thinking. I think it is a sign of respect for the God who put us in conversation. Obviously some will think differently than I -- should I ignore them, or try to listen, and find God's voice there? And having listened, can't I then respectfully communicate what seems to be missing God? We can be respectful of each other even if we hold each others ideas at arm's length. Arguably the great message of the Bible is love; God loved us and sent His Son. Though Jesus often disagreed with his followers, He would not let them go.

I remember on one internet forum heavily populated by Lee die-hards I acknowledged his ministry, then said what parts I found deficient. They said that I was praising him, then attacking him, like I was a traitor. Like Lee had blessed me with his teachings but I cursed him in return. I was being simultaneously "positive" and "negative" -- a no-no to them. I then replied that the LSM publication was called "Affirmation and Critique"; why was I being blasted if I both affirmed and critiqued Lee? Why could they do it, and none could do it to them? Puzzling. Why be so stressed if someone doesn't agree with every single thing you say? Especially if you are happily judging others?

A forum is a good place to disagree, yet still acknowledge each as valid. A place to critique ideas yet not disparage the idea-holder. The main message of the Bible is to love one another as Jesus did to us. If we acknowledge one another, even being different and often thinking differently, that's probably a confirmation of God's peace. The fact that LC leadership, both past and present, has been unwilling and unable to acknowledge those who think differently is a real sign of weakness. Hopefully they will at some point try to join the rest of the human race. Because God loves the human race, not just those "under the ministry".
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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