Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-24-2008, 09:27 AM   #973
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by Toledo View Post
So the implication is imputed idolatry by association?
I think Jane means it is idolatry by submission.

But let's drill down on that a bit (as my pastor likes to say). LCers are expected to submit to their elders, who are expected to submit to the ministry. Let's suppose for a moment that the ministry teaches something which encourages what could be called idolatry.

Now transfer that scenario to a husband and wife. The wife is expected to submit to her husband, especially as a Christian. Say this is an Asian couple, the wife is saved and the husband worships idols, statues, false gods.

Now what is the wife expected to do to not partake in the husband's sins? Should she publically renounce idols? Should she remain quiet but refuse to participate in the idol worship? Should she leave her husband? What should she do?

LCers believe they are for all practical purposes as closely tied to the ministry as a wife is to her husband. What should they do?

As you can see, I'm still making the case of the problem being misplaced authority, not idolatry per se.

Last edited by Cal; 09-24-2008 at 09:35 AM.
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