Originally Posted by Thankful Jane
You are right. I'm sorry. I'll say no more about fair and balanced.
I don't have a stature, Ohio. I'm just a sister who loves Jesus, no more, no less. I do not feel unfriendly toward you. I just don't want to banter back and forth about the validity or method of discussing idolatry any more. I really want to talk with others about what the Bible says about it and be persuaded by that. If no one wants to do that, that will be fine. I'm sorry for being abrupt with you about this.
Thankful Jane
Dear sister Jane,
Thank you for your kind post. I appreciate this, and should extend the same apologizes to you for any offensive comment on my part.
Btw, you do have some measure of stature. You are very well respected. You handled yourself quite well in that interview, I might add.