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Old 09-23-2008, 02:52 AM   #121
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Default Re: Mansfield

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
For those saints who apparently have "lost all," one of the mountains to climb is the gnawing feeling that the LSM side is somehow "right." Didn't they bring up all the accusations? Aren't they standing in oneness? Aren't they one with the ministry? Aren't they standing one with the Lord's servants WN and WL? Didn't the courts justify their actions? Didn't God answer their prayers? Don't they now have possession of the meeting hall? Don't they get the church housing? Don't they get to use the children's rooms? Don't the outsiders view them as being justified? Don't they appear to be approved by God?

Climbing this mountain can be the most blessed experience of their lifetime.
I suppose if there had been a "fair" trial and LSM won, those would be issues for me. HOWEVER, there was not. They obviously love the building more than anything else. Therefore, all means are justified to hold on to it, and anyone destroyed in their path is just collateral damage. They used family members to carry out the "deeds" by whipping them into a frenzy. Now, there will be sweet victory for the hardened core of believers and confusion (spiritually) for those used by them. They really need prayer to be able to keep a sweet walk with the Lord.
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