Originally Posted by Toledo
Nor do I see how a group of brothers can demand that all localities refuse to receive certain saints. In trying to do such a thing, they make themselves into a hierarchy and a headquarters. There is no such thing in the New Testament.
Sorry, though I mentioned the remark about Catholics and Protestants above, I confess that I cannot find any reference in the bible about idols, except those which refer to graven images of metal or stone. Aaron's golden calf comes to mind...
... If it were intended that idolatry represent something more than the worship of stones, I would expect that the Lord Jesus, or Paul, or Peter, or James, or someone would have mentioned it.
All this leaves me to wonder which portions ought to be preserved and which portions ought to be abandoned. After much consideration, I am still left with the question of baby and bathwater.
Toledo, Regarding the NT & idols, John ends his first epistle with the cryptic, and to me pregnant phrase, "Little children, guard yourselves from idols." I think it is highly significant. John must have felt 1) that idol worship was going on, and 2) it needed to be especially addressed. So he ends not with a blessing, but a warning. His word to stay away from idols was the highest blessing he could bestow upon his spiritual children. But what was he referring to?
Regarding your "baby and bathwater" comment, I have often gone back and forth on that one. Still am, I suppose. I refuse to pretend a good chunk of my christian walk was worthless, that it was a big mistake, that I should have said "No" when someone invited me to a meeting, or turned on my heel the first time something dumb got said or did in my presence. If I walked out of every christian meeting when someone said something dumb I'd never finish any of them! I admit there is a pattern of stuff in the LC's, both teaching and practice, that violates both letter and spirit of God's word, & common sense to boot. But there were, & are, some good things that I still ascribe to God.
So I enjoy the 'sorting' process here on the forum. I just try to remember that all the LSM folks are going to meet me at the throne, & have a say, and so are the folks here on the "LCD" (Localchurchdiscussions-dot-com). I find it awfully tempting to thow out my 'expert opinion' at times, but the Lord reminds me that I am responsible for every word...
Peace, and thanks for your portion. aron