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Old 11-30-2014, 04:33 PM   #47
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 600
Default Re: The lesser known ministry of Watchman Nee

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Those training were intense even back when I was in "the church." Ohio is right. They should carry a warning label. But then, so should the LCs. On the other hand, persons susceptible to psychosis breakdown under stresses that others can manage. Dave, you probably can remember instances where new hires had psychotic breaks when the state agency we worked for sent them to Tallahassee for new employee orientation. One of them was hospitalized in a mental health center where I was on the treatment team.
We can think of other environments that might cause these kinds of breakdowns. I'm sure there have been recruits who've had breakdowns in the middle of Marine boot camp. While others successfully complete the program.

Maybe those who break down in Marine boot camp had a predisposition to psychosis (i.e., an underlying chemical issue in their brains, that was already present).

Or, perhaps they just succumbed to stress in a highly stressful environment. I'm not sure we can make too many assumptions about what that "means" for an individual.
And for this cause, the Good Shepherd left the 99 pieces of crappy building material, and went out to recover the one remnant piece of good building material. For the Lord will build His church, and He will build it with the good building material, not the crappy kind.
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