Re: Detroit
In memory of our brother
Daniel O. Rodgers (September 24, 1947—September 19, 2008)
In his young and tender years
Dan found Christ his Savior dear;
But, as he grew his heart did stray
In that time of troubling days.
Dan began to seek for Christ
When a mortar crossed his life.
Like many in that foreign land,
He saw his life on sinking sand.
Dan returned, that Christ to find;
From that time he set his mind
To seek his Lord within the Word—
That truth became his mighty sword.
But that knowledge soon was dry;
Inwardly arose a cry.
His Lord was faithful once again,
His life in Spirit did begin.
He had weakness like us all,
Then upon his Lord he’d call.
His laugh from deep within would well,
As his joy again did swell.
But what shone above all else,
When in sickness or in health,
He preached the gospel to all souls—
For Christ a soldier true and bold.
by Norman J Minahan
...All Are Yours... 1 Cor 3:22
Last edited by Norm; 09-21-2008 at 01:11 PM.