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Old 09-21-2008, 10:16 AM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 73
Default Re: "Wrecked, Ruined?"

Originally Posted by finallyprettyokay View Post
A little bit more of my story ----
Please, let me say that again. It is exactly like an abusive spouse telling the abused spouse 'You will never fit anywhere else'.

It is a control tactic, plain and simple. It was used against us. To keep us in line. It is a lie. We CAN 'fit' in, in other places. It CAN be a good 'marriage'.

Please, please, please understand I am not saying everyone should hurry up and find a 'church' or a group or anything else. I AM saying, DO NOT believe that lie. Please, just don't.
Many years ago, my parents were seriously thinking about and dealing with the terrible ways many of their children had been treated by different saints and elders. They were aware it was wrong. My mother said something like this, 'what are we supposed to do? Where would we ever fit in? I wouldn't fit in anywhere else.'

They went some time staying at home and depression took hold to some extent. Eventually, they returned to the meetings of the LC. They do not believe everything there, nor do they defend the wrong-doing. For them, it is better than no Christian fellowship. I don't see them leaving due to their age. I have thought that as long as it is not hurting them or anyone else, it may be the best place for them spiritually.
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