Originally Posted by Unregistered
So we shouldn't confuse the Son and the Father, huh? Because of the one scripture verse you've quoted (and misapplied) from Ephesians? "One God and Father", therefore, Jesus is not God. He shouldn't be confused with God, huh? What about the scripture that you have so conveniently ignored that says "and the Word was God" in the gospel of John? So we shouldn't confuse the Word with God, huh?
Man, you need to read your Bible! You're just simply jumping and skipping around all over Scripture, WRENCHING and TWISTING verses to suit your own very lop-sided understanding of the whole revelation of God. I just wonder how you could interpret Matthew 22: 41-45 the way you did in one of your earlier posts with such a straight face? Nobody but the Pharisees (and now you) have ever interpreted that psalm in that way! Like them, you have missed the Lord's point entirely!
Brother, wake up!
p.s. and FYI, it was Philip (and NOT Thomas) who asked Jesus to "show us the Father"...and you think you've got the edge over Witness Lee?!...maybe you should've stayed a little bit longer in the LC's and maybe LEARNED SOMETHING..like how to read your Bible!!!
aron mistakenly said “Thomas” rather than “Philip” is irrelevant since the statement, “Show us the Father” is the issue. This thread “The Holy Spirit” is listed under “Alternative Views” so
aron is not out of place expressing his opinion which may be different than the traditional view.
aron’s view is provocative in so far as it is raising the issues of our discussion of worshiping the HS. In fact, I find his discussion intriguing especially as he brings in the issue of the angels and whether or not I agree with him is not the issue. Also, I don’t see where
aron confuses the Son and the Father which you indicate he does.
My opinion of this forum after reading many posts from many individuals is that it is a forum of people who either have left the LC or maybe are still in it but each have a point of view---either very traditional Evangelical, Evangelical with various slants of beliefs, non-Evangelical etc. However, they are all trying to make sense of their lives after having been in the LC and are discovering various viewpoints as they continue to search the Bible for answers to the most pressing issues of our lives.
IMHO---The best way to disagree is to state one’s point of view in contrast to
aron’s backed up with whatever info you have available. Stating that his point of view is WRENCHING and TWISTING is not productive or constructive from my standpoint without providing your perspective in a way that anyone reading it could understand how you disagree. For all I know
aron may be stating this perspective just to find out if anyone is paying attention.