Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-21-2008, 05:10 AM   #936
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Default Re: Finally answering

Originally Posted by Thankful Jane View Post
It is not an “extreme view” to say idolatry is being practiced by members of a very small group of believers (a very small percentage of the whole body of Christ) who got fixated on one man’s teaching and practices to such a degree that they could speak poorly of all other ministries and even exclude their real brothers from fellowship and never feel one pang of conscience when they did so. You did not escape this sin when you were in the LC any more than I did.
No, this bothered me. I had pangs of conscience long ago. That's why I separated myself from "the ministry." To be prejudiced and judgmental against other believers is wrong, but it cannot be used to support the crusade for the definition of idolatry.

Isn't it a little unfair to say that I believe only "red letter" words, when my real comment was just this: If the case against idolatry in God's people was so great, don't you think that the Lord would have mentioned it while on earth? Can we both be "fair and balanced?"
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