Originally Posted by aron
Certainly there is a benefit, today, of having the virtual forum on the internet to share one's thoughts hopes & even pain & anger. Sometimes it is frustrating when the collective response to one of my "bright ideas" is silence, or someone saying "I don't get it". Sometimes the level of discourse is not very evolved.
But when you compare it to what Carol went through, it is probably good to have around. Not to mention the fact that more information is available. Over all, it is quite a resource.
Thanks to whoever you are, out there, who put this discussion forum up on the internet! God bless you!
Maybe we need a "Like" button for posts.

But I understand what you mean. Sometimes I wonder, "did anyone read that?" They do.
I go back to the pioneer days of the old Bereans forum being the only place to discuss the LC. It was run by an odd bunch from the Philippines who thought they were the sun and moon when it came to deciding who was and (especially) who wasn't Orthodox.
UntoHim was a mod there, but had little backing from the owners, and so was like a guard dog on a short leash. He could never really discipline people. We had one poster who annoyed everyone (though he was also appreciated). He would always tap dance at the edge of trolldom, and drove UntoHim crazy. Overall the forum was beneficial, but it was also a zoo.
But I remember UntoHim saying back then that we needed our own site, even our own ministry. No one stepped up until finally he did, and created this site. The Bereans? I haven't gone there since I can remember and have no desire to.
He would never toot his own horn, so we should do it for him occasionally. Well done and thanks, UntoHim!