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Old 09-19-2008, 06:30 PM   #114
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Default Re: Detroit

Originally Posted by Norm View Post
Brother Dan Rodgers went to be with the Lord late this afternoon. He suffered a major heart attack last night.

He had been quite ill for the last two years.

Remember his wife and family in your prayers.

So sad to hear this. I worked with Dan years ago. He came to his first church meeting in Cleveland to "save me from error," and then we both together were filled in spirit. He gave me the word, and I gave him the spirit. He was a genuine Baptist, only steeped in doctrine, yet never tasting the Lord. Then ... Oh the joy on his face. Dan would grin from ear to ear.

I loved Dan. We spent long hours together playing chess, talking about our Savior, and praying for his wife. I never did win a game of chess, but that didn't matter, because I loved every visit to Dan's house. Dan was the second Christian to befriend me as a new believer. He would test all things with the scripture, which was a great help to me. Dan's joyful laugh was always so contagious. I would start laughing just because he was.

Lord, do care for his wife and children.
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