Originally Posted by OBW
At some level, getting a feeling about something may be no more than a realization of something real or right. But is it more important to realize it or to live it?
Well, if you don't feel anything or just trust your mental appreciation of things with no emotional response then I think you eventually lose track of what it all means. It become theoretical. I mean, you seem to be basically saying that Christian activity with no emotional zest is a pretty good thing. I would say if you never or rarely or usually don't have any emotional zest for your faith then why not? Does nothing about it excite you? Have you grown bored with it? Is it never fresh? How's your worship? Do you ever get carried away? If not I think you are missing something. Now, I'm not judging, I'm just trying to make a point.
Your comment about not needing anything fresh because the old things will do kind of makes me wonder. Yes, God never changes, so yesterday's truths are fine for today. Yet, God is also ever new. He doesn't get old. So if there is not a sense of freshness, of something new about stuff you have in a sense known for a long time, then I think to some extent you've gotten a little stale. That's my experience anyway.