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Old 11-12-2014, 12:22 PM   #71
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Default Re: The Lexicon — "Exercised in Your Spirit"

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I don't know how I know what my spirit is any more than how I know what a thought is. But I know it when I experience it.
This may be a function of skepticism. But it may be a valid observation. Consider it over time and see where it takes you.

If we only know it because we experience it, is it possible that we have been trained to identify certain triggers of synapses in the brain as being an exercise of the spirit? I do not ask because I doubt it is real, but because the very concept is somewhat extra-biblical and we came to recognize this "event" based on criteria supplied by extra-biblical sources.

The real question is whether joy should be from "spiritual" activities, or from the understanding of our part in the exercise of the kingdom on the earth as the image bearers of God? I know that I seem stuck on this idea lately. But I am bothered that it seems that the things that mattered for all of history up to the time of the start of the church were swept aside in favor of a new thing. Yes, we have a new and better way. And we have a new covenant.

But based on the teachings of Jesus — and even of Peter, John, Paul, etc. — it seems to me that there was never a change from obedience and righteousness to spirituality and focus on "my spirit." Instead, the focus on righteous living and obedience remains and is even key to getting the truth that sets you free (not the other way round). The difference is that the sacrifice for atonement from sin is no longer required to be repeated over and over. It was done once for all. And with that, God has come nearer in the Spirit to empower us in that continuing endeavor by our submission to his will. Yes, there is something mystical going on here. we are empowered beyond our own abilities. But that empowerment does not come by asking for the empowerment, but by (in terms of Romans 8) setting the mind on the Spirit and walking (living life) according to it. That was not stated as a complicated thing that we have to focus on. Rather I would presume that the good Jew in the first church would start their day off a lot like pre-Christ days — "Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is one. Thou shalt love . . ." along with something probably patterned after the Lord's prayer." Then followed by living with their eyes open to consider their living as they move among the city they are in.

We have turned it from bearing God's image into seeking experiences and becoming spiritual. As if living a Godly life is not spiritual.

I am not suggesting that you do not think mostly in this way. But I think it is a problem for all of us, even those who have never been part of a group like the LRC. We want our religious experience to be more about me and my feelings, thoughts, ideas, spiritual status, etc., than about just living a righteous life. But it would seem that living the righteous life was the thing that Jesus spent more of his time talking about when he spoke with anyone other than those he was training to be leaders. They got a lot more. That was because a lot more was going to e expected of them.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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