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Old 11-11-2014, 01:38 AM   #59
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 600

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
The issue is not this term v that term. It is the collection of peculiar terms. It is convincing us that being out of sync with the rest of the body of Christ was a good thing. And talking in religious mumbo-jumbo was a significant part of it.
I agree, OBW. These terms are so wrapped up with the individuals who coined them and used them for their own spiritual empire-building. Why the need to "rehabilitate" the terminology?

Originally Posted by Igzy
Well, I didn't want to turn the subject to deputy authority. The question what "exercise the spirit" means is a worthy one for discussion. But I just don't think such phrases are themselves the problem. I think the problem was who was using them and what for.
Igzy, those who were using these terms are also those who came up with this vocabulary in the first place. What loss is it to you to wipe the dust off your feet and move forward, sans the high-sounding vocab?
And for this cause, the Good Shepherd left the 99 pieces of crappy building material, and went out to recover the one remnant piece of good building material. For the Lord will build His church, and He will build it with the good building material, not the crappy kind.
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