Originally Posted by Dave
What has happened in the LC is that WL and the BB can retain their outer man and break everyone else. People become so weakened (or broken) they are unable to think for themselves (or exercise their mind) and bound forever in “brokenness” making it impossible to break away because that would be the exercise of the outer man. WL and the BB hold themselves up to have been broken but the fruits of their lives don’t reflect that experience. They hold dominion over others.
It is a means to hold dominion. How can we tell if you are in your mingled spirit, or exercising your human spirit? If you yell loud enough?
It is sold to the prospective new ones, the so-called contacts, couched in Bible-ese. "Cry out and shout, o thou inhabitant of Zion"; you are told to "call on the Lord" and so forth. You are encouraged to "Draw from the wells of salvation", and "Eating Jesus is the way". I noticed immediately that this was one of the loudest meetings I'd ever been to. I mean, no amplification, just everybody in a circle in someone's living room, and it felt like the walls were shaking. So I got in, and "when in Rome", I began to make a lot of noise as well. "O Lord Jesus" and "amen" and "praise the Lord" and "hallelujah" over and over again.
So it was an overwhelming sensory experience. And I was weakened thereby, and surrendered control. Subjectivity reigned. I "felt the spirit/Spirit". So it was actually a charismatic dodge, looking back. I have had many charismatic experiences since leaving the LC and I have learned to trust none of them. The only charismatic experience you should trust is when/if you get to the Bema and you hear the voice, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter now into the joy of your Master." Until then, trust no one and nothing. Especially your self! Especially your senses!
We were arguably caught by the "sensual" nature of the ministry. Shouting in ecstasy, we thought we were "home in the church". And when the long knives came out, and we heard whispers of "rebellion", or vague references in the podium about being "negative", we trusted that sensual experience. When our conscience protested, we trusted that sensual experience. When the Bible was ignored or overturned, we trusted that original charismatic feeling. So we continued to "exercise our mingled Spirit". Don't worry, have another sip of Kool-Aid. Everything is fine.