Originally Posted by zeek
Wouldn't we be better off deciphering what the mythical symbols mean,seeing if they have any relevance to the phenomenal world we live in . . .
Revelation was written for an audience during the time it was published. And it spoke to them of the phenomenal world they were living in, in that day.
Originally Posted by Z
. . . and, if not, discarding them except as bedtime stories for the children?
And since it wasn't written for today's audience, it makes for some fantastic bedtime stories ; howbeit at least R rated, if not NC-17. Cuz it would give children nightmares ... and make 'em scared of Jesus, that's cartooned, as a mean, mean, dark monster, coming to spill out giant bowls of divine vengeance and human, suffering, torture and slaughter.
Surely we shouldn't read this book to children just before bed.