Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-19-2008, 05:28 AM   #910
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Default Re: The LCS Factor

Originally Posted by bookworm View Post
I was simply pointing out the fact that those who do make statements that are in line with the subject matter of this thread in the Spiritual Abuse Forum should not be jumped on for stating what occurred. I did not personally attack you. I just noted how sad it is that persons making statements regarding spiritual abuse in the LCS have been subjected to barbs from those who do not care to face these facts and for some reason feel compelled to defend the LCS.
I respect the word of those who make these statements. I do not feel the need to question them or to question the scriptures they share. You will note I have not made that many statements on this thread; therefore I am in no way insisting that “I alone can state the truth.”
I have not seen a single post where "one was jumped on for stating what occurred." Nor have I read one post where a victim of abuse was "subjected to barbs from those who do not care." I saw that on the other forum, but not here. I seriously protested these ones also.

What does bother me are the sweeping, condemning generalizations which result. I am only being consistent here -- rejecting the extremes from both sides, and attempting to stick to the facts of the matter. That's why I am so surprised to hear your comment that I "do not care to face these facts and for some reason feel compelled to defend the LCS." I have never diminished bad behavior. I do defend the many precious saints I have known over the years.

I am one also who does feel the need to ask questions of those who have been abused. Facts are important. Asking questions is not wrong, nor does it negate the pain of the abused ones. It is only a fairhearted attempt to be accurate, and doesn't need to be interpreted as an "interrogation."
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