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Old 11-07-2014, 02:44 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Lexicon — "Exercised in Your Spirit"

Originally Posted by Mephibosheth View Post
I'm generally inclined to agree with you, though I'd reverse your order and hazard to say that it is the soul which is an aspect of the spirit, rather than the other way around. Let me explain. If you journey back to the creation of Adam, you will find that after God formed Adam's body out of the ground, He then breathed Adam's spirit into him, and then Adam 'became a living soul': According to the text, God did not specifically create or form Adam's soul. Adam's soul 'became' or 'came about' as a direct result of the interface between his formed body and the spirit breathed into him (this is an important distinction that was later remarked upon by the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Corinthians). Therefore, the soul, per se, is not really a separate entity on its own, but the product -or hybrid, if you will- of the spirit and the flesh. The three (but really two acting in synergy), together, constitute the whole person.

You may have forgotten, but Nee posited this theory. Can't remember which book. (Of course, he probably ripped it from someone else.)

Anyway, I'm disinclined to come to the conclusion that the wording implies that soul is a by-product ("Jesus died to save my by-product?"), particularly that it is a by-product of spirit combined with flesh, implying if there were no flesh there would be no soul. But if soul is mind, emotion, will, doesn't God have one? But he has no flesh. Not sure that dog hunts, Meph.
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