Originally Posted by Mephibosheth
According to WL, the spirit is an organ for apprehending spiritual things just as the body is an organ for contacting the material world. He adds on and goes further to say that the spirit is actually a 'vessel' purposely created for containing God.
Yet the verses that Nee listed to define the spirit were quite interesting. And anything but a "vessel." In fact, they looked a lot like the same functions as the soul. In fact, despite the claim of discovering unique functions for each of the three "parts of man" — body, soul, and spirit — it seemed that the spirit was more like an aspect of the soul than something so independent. Probably one of the reasons that it took a sharp, two-edged sword to separate them. But the fact that it indicated that the Word was such a sword, that did not mean that a list of verses was the wielding of that sword.
That is just a list of definitions. And while the things that scripture defines is important, I'm not sure that it is definitions that separate soul and spirit. The spirit knows. But so does the mind. And so on. Given that kind of differentiation, they begin to look more like slightly different aspects of one thing than completely different things that can be defined into separation.