Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:59 PM   #905
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
As long as people are willing to compromise and tolerate unrepentant sin and appreciate "the good works" of the sinner, sinful behavior will continue. Why repent if none are willing to hold you accountable? This is hypocrisy. This is leaven. This is meat sacrificed to idols. This is bad fruit. It really doesn't matter who does it. It's wrong. Sin is it what it is. God does not tolerate sin. He sent His Son to pay the price for our sinful behavior. What an affront to that ultimate sacrifice. What an affront! Does God drink of the guilded cup of the "good Witness Lee" with Lee's works of darkness inside? I don't think so. Whatever is holy and clean is of God. Witness Lee's righteousness is as filthy rags. So is mine. So is yours.
Whoa ... Nelly!

Yes, we need accountability, repentance for wrongdoings, rejection of the leaven of hypocrisy, but to liken my posts to "eating meat sacrificed to idols" is totally absurd.

Originally Posted by bookworm View Post
Pardon me, but it appears that this thread has deteriorated to the smoke and mirrors kind of maneuverings most often seen with lawyers and certain prominent politicians who point out, “it depends on what the definition of ‘is’ is.” How about letting the Word of God speak to us instead of our trying to manipulate it?

If there were to be a forum for those whose ancestors were abused by Martin Luther or by Darby, let those persons speak. But don’t shoot them down because of what they are sharing just for the sake of argument and on the false pretense of “presenting a balanced view.” Let the truth be stated.
Am I now under attack for attempting to be fair and balanced, puttings events into perspective? Bookworm, are you now the one who alone can "state the truth"? Since when has “presenting a balanced view” become a "false pretense." Am I now a "smoke and mirrors" magician, since I brought some church history into the picture? Am I now the one who "parses words" like a former president of ours? Am I now compared to crooked politicians?

Does anyone else feel this way about my posts?

Shall I become as nasty as those who disagree with me?

That would be easy.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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