Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-18-2008, 10:26 AM   #903
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
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I don't buy the whole idea that Witness Lee's ministry is an issue in the life of any Christian, to the extent lobbyists promote the "good" parts and a "sorry about the bad stuff but the good stuff makes it all worthwhile."

I don't buy that Christians need "Lee's ministry" AT ALL. Whatever is of eternal value or "good" about Witness Lee's ministry is in the Bible and we don't need Witness Lee to validate it. Witness Lee was not the source. He received a portion, but he also manufactured a portion. In fact, there is too much unrepentant sinful behavior associated with Lee to make this man an issue.

Was I blessed by God as a result of Lee's ministry? Yes. I've said so many times. Was Lee the source of the blessing? No. God was. Have I been blessed as a result of anyone else. Certainly. Do we need Lee's ministry? Others have given their lives to Lee's ministry and believe there is no other way to "go on", etc.

I don't buy it.


Last edited by Nell; 09-18-2008 at 11:45 AM.
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