Originally Posted by Dave
I am not going to say that the renourishing of our beach is a result of climate change. My point is that I am close to seeing that things are changing and we know throughout history that climate does change without even considering the issue of climate change which is going on now.
However, many of the environmental changes we are observing are a result of the pollution we have been funneling into our atmosphere. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this is going on. If you were around when LA smog alerts were going on until they made efforts to clean up their pollution you would have a small sample of the reality of what we have been pouring into our atmosphere. Unfortunately, China's recent "industrial revolution" has only added to our planet's problem which we don't have any control over although apparently they are trying to clean up their act with improved coal facilities.
Do we know that man is part of what is going on? Of course we do. ONly a small minority of those who want to deny what most scientists agree is a result of what has been polluting our atmosphere would disagree.
How does this relate to anything related to WN/WL or Jesus? I call the WN/WL ministry the head in the sand ministry. If people pull their head out of the sand they can look around and actually see what is going on around them.
My questions is this: What would Jesus do or say if he was alive today? Would he stop by the local churches and say "Wow, you have kept the faith, you have fought the good fight?" Or, since he was a Jew, would he visit the nearest Synagogue and drive out the money changers? It's not just about climate change but a whole lot more.
Most of the Bible relates to the 1st Century Jews and Gentiles and it doesn't compute in today's world although we keep trying to make it fit. In fact this forum is a perfect example. We are trying to make this all relevant to today's world. It isn't easy because we are trying to make this broken world and the broken lives fit into a 1st Century world. Thus, we keep saying the 2nd coming is near which is probably the best we can do or apply the ethics of the NT as best we can. Much of it just doesn't fit.
The real source of the problem of replenishing our beaches lies with the Federal Flood Insurance act back in the 60's. Before that, mankind was smart enough to know that it was stupid to build houses on the beach in the hurricane prone South or elsewhere. This was evidenced by the inability to mortgage houses which could not be insured by private insurers. Super Storm Sandy proved that man is devolving from his prior state of intelligence. We now regularly build houses on the ocean beaches and sand bars because we all know that the Federal Govt has unlimited funds to insure all this expensive real estate.
If only we had listened to what the Lord Jesus had told us long ago about building on the rock.