Thread: The Truth
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Old 11-03-2014, 02:16 PM   #38
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: The Truth

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
That's why we need a President who will stop the rising water of the oceans.
Of course you are being facetious. But as long as we actually believe we can't make a change, we won't. I live just 5 blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and every 3-4 years they have to "renourish" the beach by pulling in sand from a mile out. It costs the feds/state millions of dollars. Houses on the ocean not far from us have lost their frontage.

We would rather believe that the 2nd coming is near and we don't have any responsibility to the environment. Let's just go pray-read, shout "Oh Lord Jesus", study a few more verses and bring down the Kingdom of God. God's judgment is nigh. I am not just talking about the environment but also the way we treat each other in this world or animals. We have killed off elephants, for example, at an alarming rate. Jesus in the NT dealt with the issues of his day whether it was the poor, sick or confused. The environment or population problems were not an issue. What are the issues of our day that you think Jesus would deal with today?

Just to be clear, I am not interested in the New Age Movement (NAM) which may have some similar ideas but are problematic. I am interested in real issues of our day.

The bottom line which I presented earlier is the issue that Jesus cared about the issues of His day and thought that the Kingdom of God would come during his generation with the disciples and He ruling the Kingdom of God making the sick well, the poor rich etc.
LC 1969-1978 Santa Cruz, Detroit, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami
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