Originally Posted by aron
The Holy Spirit is the seven first created angels. This was a notion in circulation in the first centuries CE, by writers who had access to the oral traditions as well as the written, public documents (gospels and epistles). So the Church Father commentaries said that the seven spirits were the Protoctoi, the first-created angels. See Clement of Alexandria's commentaries, for example. So this idea isn't really mine...
I do claim some originality, however. My inspiration came from seeing that John and the NT writers were acutely aware of their experiences as an extension of OT scriptures. So the question became, where in the OT text did you see seven flames burning before the throne? The answer was easy: in the holy of holies. Moses was told that he should build everything according to the vision on the holy mtn.
So my revelation was the idea that in Revelation 1 John was saying that Moses had seen seven spirits burning before the throne. That's why Moses had built the Menorah : to hold the seven flames.
Lee and others said that the seven flames were there in response to the degradation. But the seven flames had been burning there before the Ark (a representation of the throne) since the OT times. So my inspiration was to say that John was using this imagery to say that Moses had seen seven flames there, on the holy mtn. So how do we reconcile multiple spirits with the singular Holy Spirit? That is what I'm trying to do here.