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Old 10-30-2014, 07:17 AM   #63
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Default Re: My Testimony: expressing God

Olvin, if you want to quote someone, click the quote button and you will be able to remove the stuff you don't want to quote and keep the stuff you do want to.

Originally Posted by Olvin View Post
Olvin: OBW, Igzy, I hope you brothers are just ignorant not unrighteous in your fellowship. You misrepresent my words because you don't want to deal with the uncomplicated truth in them; and I understand that.
Olvin, Perhaps you need to do a better job of explaining what you mean, rather than accusing people of evading the truth for not reacting to your words the way you want. It's pretty arrogant to call what you write "the truth" when you don't even take the care to write in proper sentences.

Do you expect anyone who reads this to take you seriously when you play with the truth like some sport, just something to win at?
No, I don't expect that. But you are not the keeper of the "truth," my friend. Your interpretation of the Bible is not necessarily the truth. All we know for sure is it's how you view things. But it's typical of LCers to be intolerant and dismissive of those who see things differently than them. This is probably because you don't have an appreciation for the fact that truth doesn't begin and end with what you consider "the ministry." There is a lot of genuine ministry that you are not aware of. You might consider doing your homework.

I stated that Jesus NEVER told us to "act" but to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him. Now it be would clear to most, even most young christians that following the Lord is tantamount to WWJD. That's: what would Jesus do, the operative word being do.
Jesus did tell us to deny ourselves. But by stating that you are actually making my point rather that disproving it. Why? Because by definition denying yourself means doing something that you don't want to do or that doesn't come naturally. It means going against the grain of what seems natural. By definition that's acting.

Denying yourself doesn't only mean "turning to the spirit." It means taking specific action, to love, to serve, to speak, when our flesh doesn't want to, which is most of the time. In order to take action that we don't want to take, there is by definition a certain in-faith acting out of behavior that we wouldn't have chosen if we'd had the choice. God gave all of us the ability to act, to assume behavior. Some are so good at this that they can make a living at it. This ability allows us to behave properly when God's commands meet with opportunity and the grace of God. When that time comes, God expects us to step up and do the job, not say "I can't" or "It doesn't feel spontaneous so it can't be the Spirit."

You don't think Christian speakers, even Lee, aren't acting when they give messages? You think they are being totally spontaneous? Of course they are acting, at least to some degree. That doesn't mean they aren't being sincere, it just means sometimes our actions are less than spontaneous. But that's not a sin. It's just the way things are.

The fact is God gave us two things: His commandments and his Spirit. We need both. The middle connecting point between these is our deciding to do what God commands us to do in the power of the Spirit. Whether you like it or not, that's acting. We decide how to behave and we act that way. The Spirit leads and empowers us, so much so that following him feels very natural and spontaneous. But the idea that if action is not spontaneous then we don't need to take it denies the commandments of God. Jesus never said, "Disciple the nations if it feels spontaneous to do it." He just said do it. Sorry, but your "uncomplicated truth" is an oversimplification.

I hope that others reading this post would go back and read from the beginning to see how you- Igzy- are an evader of the truth. You say a lot, with very little scripture to back what you say.
So now I'm an "evader of the truth?" Really now? Because I disagree with you on some things? That's thinking pretty highly of your own opinion, I'd say. Such ad hominem attacks are reminiscent of Witness Lee's character assassinations of others. You've even mimicked his clunky English.
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