Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:41 PM   #892
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Originally Posted by Nell View Post
Can out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing?
With the tongue (can) we Bless God and curse men?
Does a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
Can the fig tree bear olive berries?

Witness Lee's ministry is the epitome of blessing and cursing; bitter and sweet, as you have clearly noted above. Can such a thing be? How do you justify your position?
History is filled with many, too many, gifted Christians, even great men of God, who both "blessed and cursed." Luther, Darby, and Lee come to mind. Just because James asked "How can it be?" doesn't mean it never was, nor never will be. James' word is more of a godly challenge than a statement of fact.
  1. Luther spoke poorly of Jews and the Swiss reformers, like Zwingli.
  2. Darby heaped more condemnation on Muller than any normal man could bear.
  3. WL smeared the reputation of Ingalls et. al.
"These things, my brothers, ought not to be so." -- James 3.10

Amen, brother James! Lord, be merciful to us all.
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