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Old 10-28-2014, 08:37 PM   #51
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 20
Default Re: My Testimony: expressing God


Igzy has said it correctly. There is definite requirement to act. Even clearly stated in the NT. Even after the resurrection.

Olvin: OBW, Igzy, I hope you brothers are just ignorant not unrighteous in your fellowship. You misrepresent my words because you don't want to deal with the uncomplicated truth in them; and I understand that. Man has a hard time admitting he is wrong, most cannot even concede to making a mistake. It is pride that goes before the fall. You cannot find one instance in ALL my endeavoring to fellowship with you where I suggested that we should not "act" in the sense of taking action, or being doers. Jesus called the religious ones "actors on the stage of life". Do you expect anyone who reads this to take you
seriously when you play with the truth like some sport, just something to win at?
You used the term "act like" in the sense of performance when quoting C.S.Lewis because you know thats the way I referred to it. You pretend to be so concerned about meaning then hide from my OBVIOUS meaning. You accused me of using the word - charACTOR in a "mocking way. Anyone seeing this word would not think I - we - were referring to someone DOING goods works. AND this is mocking: You would spell that trACTOR.
I stated that Jesus NEVER told us to "act" but to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him. Now it be would clear to most, even most young christians that following the Lord is tantamount to WWJD. That's: what would Jesus do, the operative word being do.
I hope that others reading this post would go back and read from the beginning
to see how you- Igzy- are an evader of the truth. You say a lot, with very little scripture to back what you say. It will be impossible for you to every help anyone spiritually, or see any more spiritually until you forgive. But you will argue that with simply truth also. So in the meantime, before you try to get the splinter out of your brother's eye...
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