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Old 10-27-2014, 09:45 AM   #523
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
No. We all need to follow what the BIBLE says regarding our faith.

Thank you. I appreciate the warning from all, and I am warned. I believe this is healthy. I'm continuing to research.

Awareness has gone far beyond expressing his "concern" about the book of Revelation. If you all are going to judge me by my words, can we not apply the same standard to all? I'm not questioning Awareness' faith as much as I'm asking for a clarification of what it is. I believe this is scriptural.

What you call "accept blindly" I call "accept by faith."

I will be happy to provide my profession of faith if you all would care to read it.

No "maybe" to it. My words are accountable.

I've tried to present that my "support" for Cahn is not for Cahn himself but for his the extent that it is biblical.

Maybe I haven't done a good job of making that point, because it keeps being coming back at me as blindly supporting Cahn. That is not the case. I apologize that I cannot present this fact in a clear way that you all would stop accusing me of something that I do not believe.

At least I've actually read Cahn. Perhaps you folks are blindly rejecting his message without having read it. Is that possible?

I understand that this is your mockery of me. Does God speak through His people or not? Is God speaking in the rantings of Awareness? After all that Awareness has posted against a book of the Bible, I don't believe it's out of line to request a testimony of faith.
It was a request which was made with respect.
I respect what you have to say and your arguments are often well made and you sound reasonable. My concern is that we start creating a litmus test regarding our posts by challenging what we each believe whether it is for awareness, myself or others. Were not we all followers of WL? We are on this forum sharing our experiences and concerns as a result of what we discovered.

I never intended to mock you but I was just making a point and you make them all the time. Of course He speaks through people but we had that problem with WL...we all thought he was God's Oracle----we followed him and where did that lead us. I guess that is my point...I believe it is good to challenge some things because we need to tread carefully lest we fall into the same trap again. Let's listen to awareness because he was a true believer of WL who tests the scriptures (I Thess 5:21 ... test everything Acts 17:11 examine scriptures every day to see if they are true) awareness is testing everyday and so are you.
LC 1969-1978 Santa Cruz, Detroit, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami
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