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Old 10-25-2014, 12:39 PM   #508
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Originally Posted by bearbear View Post
Are you referring to 1 Cor 15 talking about the resurrection of all the dead?
In Corinthians 15:12-15 Paul insisted that they had not been resurrected with Christ – they were saying there was no resurrection of the dead, indicated that they had already been raised and their bodies were meaningless and they could do what they wanted e.g. lie with prostitutes etc (Paul wrote this because many had taken on gnostic beliefs after he left) but Ephesians 2:5-6 indicates that “God has raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly places". Of course, most scholars do not believe Paul wrote Ephesians (for a variety of reasons) but that it was written by one of his followers after Paul’s death. In addition, most evidence shows that it was not sent to Ephesus but circulated among all the churches since that phrase “are in Ephesus and” can be clearly seen as a correction (i.e. addition) in the margin between the columns in the first page of the Greek manuscript “Codex Sinaiticus” the oldest compete manuscript of the New Testament, if you look at it. (I am only noting this since if it is a different author that may account for the discrepancy) Be that as it may, there is a contradiction. My point is that it is not a good selection of verses to prove your point unless you can reconcile the two points of view.
LC 1969-1978 Santa Cruz, Detroit, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami
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