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Old 10-17-2014, 12:10 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: My Testimony: Olvin

Originally Posted by Olvin View Post
I came into the LC in Cleveland a couple of months before the 82 winter training, it changed my christian life, which even up to that point was quit given by His grace. I am quit confident that I had read the Bible more than most of the young brothers in the LC, and yet none could convince me that mans salvation was secure; during the Peter training I got perfectly clear, and my brother, our brother Lee was not even discussing our eternal salvation. I and 40 other brothers were in the first one year full time traing TC held in Cleveland, it was the most profitable year of my life to date. I learned to how to study, how to share, how to discern. John Ingles taught church history, out from which came the Fristfruit series; this more than anything opened my eyes to how the Lord is building His Church, His Kingdom in spite of the frailty, the weakness, the stubbornness and sinfulness of His vessels.

I don't think there are many who have suffered more indignities than myself in the local church. Still I challenge all who post here to do this: take your biblical understanding; subtract all the revelation you have received from "the ministry" and consider what you are left with. Can you minister life with that? Do you still see God's purpose, do you yet know the mystery of the human life? I doubt.
Thanks for sharing your testimony Olvin. I left long before you came went into the LC...before there was an FTT. I had never even heard of TC until I started hanging out in this forum.

Don't hang out here too much anymore. It's hard to connect with people here. Everyone is at a very different place in their spiritual journey. But it is hard to get the memories of the LC out of me because like you, my short time there was the most profitable time of my life. My time there taught me to ground myself in the Word of God. The Holy Spirit and the fellowship of the saints opened the eyes of my understanding. I may not have known it back in the day but I know it now.

It was my spiritual foundation. After I left, I wallowed in the valley of the shadow of death and wandered in the wilderness for many a year. But those were learning experiences as well.

What I learned in the LC about God's Spirit living in our spirit, about the depths of the riches of the LORD, about living a sanctified life, about the Power of the Blood of the Lamb, about dying to self, about fellowshipping with the Body of Christ, has been super helpful to my existence and survival to this day. Grant it, the Holy Spirit is the ONE Who gives me/us the Insight, Understanding, Strength and Ability to overcome but had I not learned these principles back in the day, I don't know how strong I would be today. The Holy Spirit has taught me so much more since then. The LC was like spiritual grade school and high school for me. I did very well. But to really grow and mature, I had to go to Holy Spirit University. And He is not there. I haven't always done too well in my spiritual exams and have repeated a few classes a couple of times. But it has been well worth repeating the Holy Spirit lessons of Life so that I could move up to the next level.

When I have shared my testimony with my childhood friends, they tell me that there was something special during my time in the LC and are glad I was there !! LOL !!! But overall, my time in the LC was a positive one, unlike many of the people here. It is not like that anymore. I have no regrets in having left. The LC taught me to follow the SPIRIT in my spirit and I DID. He led me in...and HE LED ME OUT. Glory to Almighty God, El SHADDAI.

OLVIN:May you continue to grow strong in the Power and Might in the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit of Father God Yahweh. May the Peace of God which surpasses all understanding guide your spirit and your mind in all Truth, blessing you with Wisdom and Revelation beyond your imagination. May the LORD envelop you with His Love and cover you under the shadow of His Wings. May He shower and bless you with supernatural Favor and Grace all the days of your life in the Mighty Name of Jesus, in the Mighty Name of El Shaddai and in the Mighty Name of His Holy Spirit, the Ruach Ha Kodesh. Make it so Lord Jesus. Make it so. AMEN.

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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