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Old 10-16-2014, 07:26 PM   #2
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Default Re: My Testimony: Olvin

Originally Posted by Olvin View Post
I came into the LC in Cleveland a couple of months before the 82 winter training...
Olvin thanks for posting.

I think I was there in the Cleveland upstairs meeting room when you got the boot from Titus.

Unfortunately no one stood with you to challenge his abuse. I just watched in awe, with "fear and trembling," yet never hearing what your "crime" was.

I remember your love for the Lord, His people, and the gospel. We never received an explanation for why Titus kicked you out of the meeting. No one dared to challenge his authority, even when brothers were being hurt and the church was suffering loss. Titus was able to act without anyone balancing his decisions.

Could you share more details? It helps others to understand what happened to the local churches, why "something so good turned out so bad."
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