Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-15-2008, 03:34 PM   #877
Thankful Jane
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Originally Posted by Roger View Post
I was the one who compared Matt to Witness Lee. I certainly didn’t mean it in every respect. It had to do with his insistence upon saying that all who are in the Local Church are engaging in idolatry.
He has been quoted on this when he asked for proof. It had to do with what seemed to be an unwillingness to be balanced by the rest of the members here.
Roger, there was no biblical balance offered. All I heard was people's dislike of what Matt said. He did not insist that you agree with him and even acknowledged the disagreements. He didn't shoot the messengers speaking to him, as you all did him. He put a shield on against the punches and stayed at the table. Again, where is the biblical argument you set forth against what Matt said?

Everyone has been screaming about a broad brush. Have you read your O.T. recently? The biggest broad brush user is God when it came to idolatry. He wanted all his people to face the question because they stumbled again and again in their blindness. The LC system was idolatrous to the core having become like Mystery Babylon the Great. God addressed that system in Rev. with with a broad brush, "Come out of her my people." Tell me how the LC system was not like Mystery Babylon? Was Mystery Babylon idolatrous?

No one comes out of the LC unscathed by the idolatrous practices. Are their some who innocently participated? Of course. No one wakes up one day and says, I think I will practice idolatry today. They stumble in the dark. Does ignorance remove guilt? No.

Only one thing can break the back of the devil and the hold he gained over us and that is repentance. What will help people who were damaged and are so deadened they don't even care any more? Thorough repentance by those who built, supported, perpetuated, loved, defended the LC and who still care.

Originally Posted by Roger View Post
Sorry, but I don’t hesitate to mention Matt’s youth. With youth there must be a certain amount of inexperience. It’s only common sense. Watchman Nee, for example, I think, was far too young to be taken too seriously when he wrote the Spiritual Man at only 26. He was a brilliant man, but the work was mostly cerebral.

Jane we were all there. When one man came forth and insisted that what he was saying was the only correct viewpoint, we were all called "naysayers."

I'm not talking about Matt's youth. I was talking about his experience.

BTW, he is 35 not 26. He hasn't written a book on authority and a movement hasn't sprung up around him with his book governing the leadership of it. He isn't WN and he isn't WL. Saying so in anyway is just plain mean.

Also, I didn't hear any naysayers when I was there. I heard nothing. Weren't you a part of that deafening silence?

Thankful Jane

Last edited by Thankful Jane; 09-15-2008 at 04:06 PM.
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