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Old 10-12-2014, 10:55 PM   #19
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 600
Default Re: Prominent Local Church "Shouter" invades Harvard University

Originally Posted by Peter Eagan View Post
That is the question, isn't it? I have seen this man screaming at the the Lee Shouter Church trainees to "take Harvard." He has given hundreds of millions to that school. He or someone with deep pockets is funding a new Lee Shouter Church building nearby. They have dozens of trainees that I have seen, on campus, paid for by whom????

Someone with deep pockets bought tens of thousands of Lee Church bibles which they tried to smuggle to PRC and got confiscated. But then, suddenly Lee's Church they denied any knowledge. But others there bragged of all the Shouters in China. So connect the dots...did you read William Bennet's article linking the EL, China Shouters the California-based Lee Shouter Church? Clearly there are historical, cultural, and ideological connections (an unbalanced and borderline heretical view of God's trinity, authoritative structure of church hierarchy). Lee's theology and church structure clearly provided the basis. But what are current organizational ties? Again, that's the question, isn't it? These groups are so secretive that you are left with your own crayon to connect the dots. Harvard didn't want to connect the dots, because they saw all that cash stacked up on the table. So be it.
Mr Eagan,

Care to give more specific examples of what you're referring to? It's clear that there is some connection between Witness Lee and the Shouters, at least in origin. And it's clear that "Eastern Lightning" was started by an ex-member of the Shouters. (I remember hearing that one President of Taiwan had formerly been a member of the Lord's Recovery. Does that connect the LRC to the government of Taiwan?)

I wonder if the connection might be analogous to the connection between the 1930's Brethren in the UK, and the Living Stream Ministry in the 60's-present. Of course, there was/is NO organizational connection. Nee/Lee ultimately repudiated the Brethren as yet another "denomination". But, clearly, various doctrines, attitudes, and practices of the Brethren were very influential in the development of the Recovery.

What would make us believe that the "connection" between the Recovery -- or the Shouters -- and EL, is anything more than that? Some ideas that were carried over, with others rejected, and some new, extreme, ideas added on top of everything else?
And for this cause, the Good Shepherd left the 99 pieces of crappy building material, and went out to recover the one remnant piece of good building material. For the Lord will build His church, and He will build it with the good building material, not the crappy kind.
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