Originally Posted by The Mystery of the Shemitah by Jonathan Cahn.
“But the Shemitah has two edges. To a nation that by and large upholds the way of God, it comes as a blessing. But to a nation that has once known the ways of God but now rejects and defies them, the Shemitah comes not as a blessing but a judgment---and brings not a rising but a fall.”
All our notions of ownership are an illusion; all our pride, a deception.
A brother out here sent me a book entitled "What Makes You
Not a Buddhist."
The last quote above reminds me of sections of that book.
And that, and the first quote, brings China to mind. Is a nation better off not having anything to do with God? So that way this crazy Shemitah stuff won't apply to them?
No wonder China is going up and America is going down. America made the mistake of getting tangled up with God, while China by and large is free of the God nonsense.
Is that what Cahn is saying?
Would America have been better off if its founders had been Buddhists?