Originally Posted by zeek
All of which I agree with, but which , apart from the factual differences about American history which I also agree with and are determinable, is just a long way of saying you disagree with the guy's politics, like I said below. You're preaching to the choir when you tell me this stuff. But, what makes that more than our political opinions? I already agreed about the historical part. Is that all there is? Is that enough? Hey, it could be argued that the country moved in a liberalizing direction in the past. What is to say that going in a conservative direction now would be somehow wrong? How do we know that we don't need a course correction as a nation? What exactly is God's political position? If someone actually has transcendent knowledge, then that individual or group of people should rule the country not democracy. Isn't that what the Christian Right is actually claiming they have--The Truth? Democracy is only best if the absolute truth is indeterminable. Since no one knows for sure the best way, we throw it open to a vote. Isn't that implied in what you are saying?
It's true that if we democratically vote to become a theocracy we would become a theocracy. It would require changes in our constitution approved by all the states but we could change the way we manage our government. We could also vote to get rid of all those who disagree with our Biblical understanding of Jesus or the Bible e.g. ship them all to another country. We can change anything democratically if the people in this country decide to do so.
My primary point was that under our current constitution and form of government Cahn is incorrect in his Inaugural Speech in describing this nation as founded on the Word of God and the Bible. Sure, it might be nice if it was true but it just isn't true. It isn't a matter of disagreeing with his politics as much as disagreeing with the foundational language of his speech. The rest of his speech is based on this foundational language which as I have stated doesn't hold water.