Originally Posted by Roger
Witness Lee told us that the recovery began with Martin Luther. Hellllooo. These Witness Lee bobble heads have become shameless in their willingness to lie, and twist words. They used to word dance. Now they just come out and lie.
Roger, I hear what you're saying and you are right and that is exactly what they said, but I don't think that's really what they meant.
What they MEANT is that they do not claim to own "The Lord's Recovery" exclusively, that neither Witness Lee nor Watchman Nee were the founders of it, that the Local Church is not the only denomination subject to it, and that whatever it is exactly, it didn't die with Lee.
It is actually quite telling, however, that they did forget brother Luther at that point. I'd say that proves that they don't even know what "The Recovery" is any more.
I think they're still dancing, just not nearly as well...