Originally Posted by awareness
Cahn and Sid are working together on all of this. Here is a quote from Sid's website
http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/holy-shem...eating-itself/ regarding Cahn's Shemitah book:
"As he did with his previous book, Cahn announced his findings on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” TV program – even before the book was officially released for sale by bookstores nationwide today."
"It's Supernatural" TV program...sounds to me to be a good place to announce a well thought out treatise of Shemitah and its prophesies.
There are all kinds of prophesy book deals on Roth's website. For $4.95 you can buy the sensational "Blood Moons" book. Interestingly enough, we had a blood moon early this morning about 3am although I didn't wake up in time to see it. I wonder what it all means.