Originally Posted by UntoHim
We all know that current members are discouraged from even lurking, much less participating on our forum, and I fear that heated political wrangling (is there any other kind?) will be a further discouragement, and even worse, provide some LSM/LC leaders with reasons for current members to avoid this forum altogether. THIS IS MY MAIN REASON FOR WANTING US TO STAY AWAY FROM POLITICS ON THIS FORUM.
I fully agree. And that might suggest to simply shut this one down. But even that is not a good idea.
I suggest that if we want people to start to read and analyze their Bibles ouside of the overt influence of others (Nee, Lee, Cahn, or even reliable others), then this is as good a place as there is. Let's ignore the political implications of Cahn's claims, or even the well-meaning inentions of others and view the subject in terms of the scripture that should either justify the position, or provide no basis for it.