Originally Posted by zeek
It takes a huge imaginative leap to suppose that John of Patmos was talking about churches in America or that Isaiah was talking about the twin towers in New York City or that Paul was thinking about the modern era when he referred to "perilous times."
Irrelevant. True principles are always true regardless of time or place. God's principles are illustrated in His Word. They are dependable to the end.
The principles which motivated Paul to write 2 Timothy 3 were also alive and well in Genesis as they were in Paul's time and will be at the times of Revelation.
Originally Posted by zeek
Those that make the leap recognize on some level that cold objectivity lacks the moral force of powerful bible imagery. And Cahn is a master at appropriating Bible imagery to move people in service of his ideological agenda.
God's the real master at appropriating imagery to move people. That is His style when people don't just receive what He says. Re: The Prophets
Originally Posted by zeek
Be that as it may, in Cahn's case I think true "repentance" would entail not only buying into his onstage histrionics but getting in line with his right-wing ideology. Don't you think?
Maybe Cahn is referring to the simplest and truest meaning of repentance. Maybe he's sincere. Maybe his words are true to God's.