Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-14-2008, 06:13 AM   #867
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 54
Default A Sad Irony

I have felt the direction SC offered in the last several posts has been what I have tried to sugest in the past on the other forum,but have always been perplexed at the responses, that have cast me in the role of the abuser; a place I never intended to be in.

What I have found is the very same counsel that can benefit a brother or sister to have a deeper walk with the Lord, is the same consel offered by the leading ones to denegrade those under them to not rock the boat of the "program." The difference is in what outcome is desired by the offerer; to help the seeking one to grow through the trial, or to keep the false agenda of the program from being exposed by the honest quest for the truth.

It seems that the Lord saw this when he warned those who would stumble the children concerning their believing, that it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their neck and be drowned. For it seems to me, to use a teaching that was intended to help ones to know our Lord in a deeper way now causes them to be stumbled, it spoils the help they could have received in gaining something eternal and instead can result in damage that cannot be recovered from.
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