Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us
Originally Posted by awareness
Yes. His claim that America was founded by God. Jesus did not write the constitution, nor the Bill of Rights, nor the Declaration of Independence.
The founders were running from government controlled religion. They weren't about to make the same mistake. So the founding principle was freedom of religion, or freedom from any religion at all, and no government sponsored religion.
That's why Jefferson assured the Danbury Baptist church that there would be separation of church and state.
So Cahn is wrong about America being founded on God and Christian principles. America was founded on freedom. Therefore, another premise, besides Isaiah 9:10, falls down.
I agree. Referring to the USA Cahn said: "They brought forth it's first government in the name of Jesus." This is wrong. The U.S' Constitution says no such thing.
Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86